Dr. Paolo Cianconi is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and anthropologist. He currently works at the Regina Coeli Prison, ASL Rome, Italy. Together with this work, he also carries out research and teaches at several institutions, focusing on issues of clinical psychiatry, psychology, social deviance and marginality, ethnopsychiatry and psychology of postmodern life. Dr. Cianconi also writes on his study of "mutant syndromes" of globalization and traditional therapeutic approaches. He completed research expeditions on ethnopsychiatry in different national and international settings, concentrating his work in places at risk of cultural collapse and identity loss, such as small Indio villages in Asia and Central and South America, as well as Favelas and Barrios. He is scientific director of the masters program on ethnopsychiatry at the Beck Institute in Rome. Dr. Cianconi also teaches masters programs in a number of psychotherapy schools in Italy. His clinical work includes five main areas:
Diagnostics (Psychodiagnosis);
Clinical work (Psychotherapy for individuals, couples and families, and Pharmacotherapy);
Supervision (Oversight activities on diagnostics, clinical work and expert legal consultancy for psychotherapists);
Consultancy (Psychological-psychiatric expert in civil, criminal law, religious law, ethnopsychiatric issues);
Education (Teaching activities and seminars on Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Social Psychology, Psychology of marginality and deviance, ethnopsychiatry, Psychology of Postmodernism, Anthropology).
Dr. Cianconi has been member of the Board of Physicians and Surgeons in Rome since 1994, under number 45694. He received medical certification in Session II in academic year of 1992-November 1993 at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". He received his Degree in Medicine and Surgery (First Degree) from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in Rome on July 30th, 1993 with final marks of 107/110. Dr. Cianconi received his degree in Psychiatry from The University "Cattolica" of Rome on October 29th, 1999 with final marks of 50/50 cum laude, receiving certification to practice as a psychotherapist on December 28th, 1999.
The undersigned Dr. Paul Cianconi hereby states that under his sole responsibility the information contained in this website is issued in compliance with the guidelines contained in the document "Guidelines for the authorization on Advertising and Information on Websites and for the use of email for clinical reasons "- Resolution 129/2007 adopted by the Executive Council of the Medical-Surgeons and Dentists in Rome on June 19th, 2007.